Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reality of reality shows

I In my belief Reality T.V. shows are not real because they are very predictable. I use to run home just to watch all of the reality T.V. shows,but now I could care less.I feel like you've seen one you've seen them all. I mean don't get me wrong it was interesting at first because it was a new and a fresh look for T.V. What attracted me the most was the drama in the shows for example in I love New york her mom sister patterson was going to pay chance to stay away from new york chance did not take the money. he told new york and she was upest with her mom. another time sister Patterson caused a problem was on the sec. seaon she hired male contestents who she thought were suitble for her daughter. just because New york did eliminted one of her mom guys. Her mom went home with him and started a relationship with him. so as you can see on the show I love New york her mom cause most of the drama . with love fighting and compaition it kept me on the edge of my seat. shows like I love new york, real chance at love, rock of love and Daisy of love .Do you see a connection in these shows. these are all shows that are predictable .After the 3rd season you kind of get the idea. If they are looking for love then why do they pick the people that are bad for them.Hint so they can have another show.And then its always that one person who claimed they really loved them. They are so torn up that they did not get picked and make such a big fuss about it that they get there own reality T.V.show.Then there are shows like the Duell which is like the battle of the sexes and real world put together.From what I can tell its becoming more and more like real world every season. every one sleeping with everyone.That tells me one thing, that people like competition but sex sell more than anything.So if some reality show start off real they will eventually end up scripted. We all know what will happen on the shows but we still watch it because its nothing better to watch now days. As long as it drama and sex people eyes will always be glued on the t.v. set.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I listen to all types of music, such as rock, example linkin park. My favorite song from them is called papercut. Another style of music I like to listen to is rap, my favorite artist is Tupac. I love all his song but my number one favorite song is called do for love. Last but not least I grew up loving R&B with a passion. I sing R&B. I love to write R&B songs. The artist that I admired growing up was Aaliyah. I have been told that my style of singing is like hers. I use to have all her CDs. But my little sister broke them. So I listen to my music on youtube or my IPOD Shuffle. I have to listen to music on a daily bases, or my day will not be off to a good start. To me it like Coffey for most people.I also like to play at least one song before I go to bed. It relaxes me. I listen to different music styles depending on my mood. If I am mad and want to express it I listen to rock.When relaxed I listen to R&B. when I feel cocky I listen to rap.Music is me and I am music.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Me vs.T.V.

I do not watch TV as much as I use to, but when I do I watch anything on MTV. My favorite show on MTV is Tool academy. I have watched it since the first season which was last year. If I’m not watching TV then I read. Reading to me is better than television because you get to be the director. You can imagine what ever you want and be creative. Most books turn it to movies. One example is Twilight I like the movie but I love the book. Lately I have been interested in the Spanish channels. Mostly, soap opera ever since I moved to sliver spring Maryland My aunt has me watching it I actually like it. I am glade that I do not spend as much time as I use to on T.V because know that I am older I’m more into education rather than recreation.

Friday, September 18, 2009