Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Double Deuce Erin Macklin

As Spencer hawk and I sat in Spencer's office we sipped on some Irish whiskey. Spencer loves whiskey.I guss it is his way of settling down after a hard day of work. I could use some settling down myself. so i agreed to stay I could not believe Hawk and I were in the same room together.There is bound to be an argument. we don't get along very well. there is something about him that rubs me the wrong way maybe his non sealant attitude. He began to talk about the Hobart's and Major.I told him Tallboy would never testify. I asked Hawk if he had considered an appropriate actions. That was a mistake because he replied that he and Spencer would kill major.I stared at him in disbelief.I knew Spencer was trying to make Hawk feel better by agreeing but he could not hurt any one without reasoning. How could someone who felt what these kids feel have no sympathy for them. Hawk proved me right when he stated he got out the gang on his own and that he only trust himself.I told him I didn't understand and he agreed with me.It is totally uncalled for and extremely sad that hawk can not express his feeling that is if he has any.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

double deuce

I really like the novel Double deuce I think its exciting,dramtic and interging. the chapters are short but intersesting. what captured my eye was within the first few pages the secpence began. The little girl who was only 14 got shot with her baby in her arms. Sadly this type of thing happends everyday. The whole story is based on the mystery of who shot the girl and her baby. I believe It was drug related. I also believe her boyfriend had something to do with it.maybe he is in on it. My first asumption was that who ever killed her did it to get to him. but then I started to think if that was the case the story would revole around them. like how he died or how he is looking for the guys who killed his girlfriend. The way this story is going it seems like we are in for a ride.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The coldest winter ever:)

I love to read all types of books.although I do not read much when I do read I enjoy it.reading a book is like watching T.V. except you are the director, actors or actress. you can imagine any thing you want while you are reading. there are books on anything that you want to learn the key is reading. The women in my family love to read. so I gusse I get my passion for reading from them. I hardly ever see my grandmother without a book in her hand and my mom was the same way. I read Health books, to gain knowledge of ways to improve my health. psych books, to gain knowledge so that can be prepared for my major, and cook books, so I can know how to cook healthy but tasteful. My favorite books to read are love, drama and mystery all in one or better know as urban books. My first novel and urban book I ever read was called Fly Girls, the author of the book was Omar Tyree. I was 14 yrs old similar to the character. so I related with her in many ways. we had similar curiosity about life. the only different was our in living enviorment . she grew up in the ghetto and I was growing up in the suburbs. she had a mom who did not care where she went or want she did. me and my mom were like best friends so I did not understand how some ones mom can treat them unkind. after reading the book I realized I had question about life. After I shared the book and my questions with my mom she answered them and gave me another book to read. she told me that this book is about the facts of life and if I never listened to any advice she ever gave me that I would after I read this book. the author was Sista Souljiah and the book was called The Coldest Winter Ever. this is my favorite book of all time. sure it might be just another Urban book to some people but to me it a part of me growing from a curious little girl into a women. I get chills ever time I think of this book. its about a girl named winter who over comes struggles in the ghetto with the help of her teacher. she got into college through a scholarship and worked for every thing she had. her college experience was so mind blowing from the people she met to the thing she did wowwww this book had me on the edge of my seat. I Love this book and I have never read another book like it and the fact that my mother gave it to me at the right time in my life is even better. this book thought me that no matter where you come for what you did in your past or what you do now you can over come any stereo type. And education is the key:)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flok Tradition part 1

My family has many traditions, like eating at my aunts house every Christmas for breakfast and at my uncles for dinner .BBQ in the summer time with family reunions. But the one tradition I like to share with you comes from my Arabic heritage .It is one that I learn about not to long ago .It is tradition if you have guess over your that you serve tea or coffee after dinner this is a signal that the evening has come to an end .In other words nice seeing you time to get out of my house. The coffee is my favorite because you can read you four ante .The way it works is when you and you guess finishes the coffee you pore water in the grinned coffee that is left turn it up side down and when it dries pic. will appear on the inside of the tea cup. you read the pic. and it tells a story of you future. for example mines had a baby with a smile on his face to represent my nephew who is coming with in a few days. It also had pic. circle which represents success. and a man on one nee with another man beside him which represent a guy introducing me to another guy maybe a friend of a friend, but this guy will propose in the near future .I'd like to see how that will play out. these fortunes claim the be accurate. my aunt always does it and her fortune are usually true. any one can read the fortune they just have to know what the symbols mean.I don't know all the symbols yet but I'm learning.hopefully one day I can be good as my aunt.