Thursday, November 19, 2009

Watching the video King corn and reading the passage Chew on this has got me thinking of how I eat, and what I eat. I've learned so much this last month. I've cut down on the amount of fast food I eat and how much I eat. because you are what you eat and I refuse to made up of corn:) I learned so much from the Reading chew on this. One thing I leaned was that in the year 2006 over 9 billion chickens were raised and then slaughtered. when I read this fact it did not bother me to much because I thought oh well the world has to eat. It wasn't until I kept reading and learned that the bacteria E. Coli comes from a large number of animals being mixed together. ewwwww now that's just nasty. I learned a lot from the in class video King corn. one thing I learned was that we are all made up of corn. lol so Iguess we are not humans anymore. There is corn in everything we eat. Corn is used as used as a filler. I learned that Cow get fed corn because it keeps them full and it cheaper for the farmers to buy which makes it cheaper to buy meat at the supermarkets. I have learned that from both the video and the reading that farmers are now controlled by corporation groups. group like Tyson, Excel and Swift and company. most of the money that the farmers make from selling their animals goes to the supermarkets and the meatpacking co. It kind of make me feel bad for the farmers because they put all this effort in their farms and the meatpacking co. bullies them for everything they have. the meatpacking co. even tell the farmer how much to sell they animals for. Its no wonder thousands of rancher are quitting and selling their land. In order to stop the way food is produced we have to take action against the meatpacking companies. one way of taking action would be to protesting for the animals. so they don't treat the animals as cruel. like instead of packing all the chicken together in a cage they could give them enough space to walk around. it's bad enough they are going to killed for our food. We could also stop buying corn fed cows. Make the meat co. feed them grass. so the animals could be healthier. We should also demand that they treat the worker better and give them a raise. Americans are the ones who buy the meat if we are not happy then they should satisfy us why should we settle for any thing less than.


  1. I feel bad for the farmers too. I imagined my grandparents were kind of in control of their own little corner of the world being farmers--they probaby were in their day. But it seems like after the 1970s, they just became workers, employees of the big corporations. Where's the freedom in that?

  2. I think these really big companies are totally scary. They are runing our health and our environment. And mistreating people in the process.

  3. I like your opion and all the evidence backing it up, the meat industry is wrong!

  4. I like this but i also agree with Dr. Wahl on this I also feel bed about the farmers.

  5. It's amazing on how we are becoming CORN! And how everything about the food we eat is becoming worst, meaning disgusting and coldhearted. Poor famers that they don't have too much profit and work than before since the BIG Companies are taking over. That's so sad on how and what America relie on which you nicely said in your blog. I really enjoy reading your blog. Nice

  6. i like how you express yourself and how you felt. nice! andi like the picture you used

  7. yeah those companies STINKSS!!!!
    ew lls
